!!!###!!!title=48-How to customize the position and offset of the tooltip in the chart——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!

How to customize the position and offset of the tooltip in the chart?

Question Description

When I use VChart charts, I encounter the problem that the chart tip box is very close to the mouse pointer, so that the mouse pointer may obscure the tips on a large screen with high resolution. Is there any way to solve this problem?


VChart already provides the corresponding function, you just need to set tooltip.offset in the spec of the chart. The corresponding configuration documents are available on the official website.


Code Example

spec.tooltip.offset = {
  x: 40,
  y: 40


Demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/tooltip-offset-mns4gl?file=/src/index.ts


tooltip option:https://visactor.io/vchart/option/barChart#tooltip.offset


Tooltip tutorials: https://www.visactor.io/vchart/guide/tutorial_docs/Chart_Concepts/Tooltip

Tooltip demos:https://www.visactor.io/vchart/demo/tooltip/custom-mark-tooltip